When we help others, it takes the focus off what's wrong in our own lives and makes the world a better place. Get involved in the community you live in.  Take what you know and love, or your time and share it for free.  It will change your life, guaranteed.

The concept of Seva is a practice of Karma yoga.  It means selfless service, a service that is preformed strictly for the benefit of others without expectation of any reward.  This is another way to practice yoga in your life, off your mat.

There are endless organizations in Portland that support efforts to help those who could use a helping hand, a kind word or a safe place.  Hands on Portland, will not only link you with a great volunteer gig, but they can also help you create a project of your own. Living Yoga, is the organization I volunteer through.  You don't have to be a certified yoga teacher, just the willingness to give the benefits of yoga to those who wouldn't normally have access to it.

Friends helping friends reach their fullest potential.