Private Instruction & Yoga Hikes

Private lessons are a great way to use the skillful science of yoga to meet your individual needs as a student.  Yoga isn't just about gaining muscular strength and flexibility, it helps improve all areas of our lives, especially those them may seem hard to reach.

Private Instruction Offers:
-A space to have individualized attention to your yoga practice
-Address needs they may not be met in a class setting with modifications and communication
-Trauma recovery
-Stress & anxiety reduction
-Copping strategies for depression
-Tools for more mindful living and attention disorders
-Learn to be your own best teacher
-Increased strength, muscle flexibility and range of motion
-Deep relaxation
-Safe recovery from injuries

I love working with beginners and people who think they aren't "flexible enough" to practice yoga.  There are many levels, physical, mental and emotional, that the practice of yoga has an effect on.Yoga is suitable for everyone. Trained in trauma informed yoga therapy, I love helping individuals use yoga as a tool to over come mental stress, anxiety, depression and body image disorders. 

Let's do a Yoga Hike!
What is better than being outdoors any time of year in the pacific north west, breathing in the fresh air and connecting to nature? Doing it with a yoga practice to bring it all together, while your feet truly connecting to the earth.  You can experience the abundance of energy you will gain from this combination of activities right here in our own back yard.  Join me at Washington park or Mt Tabor  for an, at your own level, hike and yoga class with beautiful scenery and breath taking views.  The trip will start with a sensory meditation and cues throughout the hike to keep tuning back in to the present experience and surroundings.  There will be a couple of stops to rest, breath into some poses and capture a few images with your minds eye or selfie with your phone.  A total trip last around 2 hours. It's a great way to motivate, take your practice off your mat, and share in a new experience with some familiar environments.  I invite suggestions for other destinations. 

Please contact me to schedule a phone consultation: