

Pranassage® is a creative synthesis of yoga and bodywork that produces deep relaxation in the receiver. Pranassage is an engaging and efficient option for those who want to deepen the effects of yoga.  Pranassage appeals to people with no previous yoga experience, as well as the seasoned practitioner of yoga or other active forms of body-mind integration, because it provides tailored personal support for going to your next level.

Pranassage works like this: The practitioner physically moves the client’s body into a flow of positions that allow them to feel each position from the inside out. As you shift your client into interesting movements and positions, they have the opportunity to witness some forgotten possibilities for motion and action that provide balance and relief throughout every part of their being. Being moved in this way allows your client to watch with awareness and without having to exert any effort. The brain-mind mechanism that determines our ability to move is beneath our conscious control. When we slow down to watch and feel how our body can move into positions in novel ways that do not require effort, the movement patterning mechanism gets reeducated and neurologically reorganizes to replace inefficient patterns with fluid, harmonious and efficient movements.

It is an amazing way to better understand your body.  Through gravity and conscious relaxation, with the guidance of a trained practitioner, you will experience a balancing of the mind and body like you never have, with very little effort. 

Here's a video from Nosara Yoga Institute: