Monday, June 15, 2015

Be selfish with yourself

I have been feeling a little, meh, like something was missing.  I love my home and family, working on expanding my yoga services to the community, but I hadn't been taking advantage of being in this awesome city.  As a yoga teacher, I am constantly inspired by the instruction of others.  It is very crucial to my individual and professional growth to be attending classes regularly aside from an at home practice.  Having been so caught up with a new schedule and summer fun, I hadn't taken the time to attend any new classes in  a couple of weeks. I had the day off, a beautiful Saturday with no time restrictions, I woke up and knew I needed to hit the mat.  I signed up on line, makes one a little more accountable, made it later in the day so I would have plenty of time to ride my bike, and cruised on down to People's Yoga, where my wonderful hour and fifteen minutes of pure me took place.  From the purchasing of the class until I put my bike away, the entire experience gave me a boost that left me feeling like I was at peace with everything in my life.

Be selfish with yourself. (If you hear it in a rasta accent, it makes it sound way cooler)  Take time to take care of you, do what you love and it changes the world.

It also helped that I turned my phone off for an entire two days.  I was with the people who need me most, it was all good. 

I now have nine more classes of yoga to look forward to! I always keep my mat and a change of clothes in the car so if it hits me and I have a break in my day, no excuses, I am ready to flow.